Creating and Editing Customer Records

The task of adding, editing, and merging customers begins at the Customer List.



To add a customer:

  1. Click the Add button Add.bmp or select Commands > Add from the menu to display the Add Customer window




  1. Add contact information.

The first drop-down box allows you to select an honorific (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., Rev., Mr. & Mrs., or Dr. & Mrs.). The rest of the contact information section is self explanatory with the following notes: You can add a referral source on the fly if the source is not listed in the drop-down list, check a box to include the customer in your marketing list, and type a note about the customer. If you check the "include in marketing list" checkbox, then your customer will be included in generated marketing lists. If you type the zip code, the city and state will automatically populate for you.


  1. Once the contact information is defined,  you can do the following from this window:

To edit a customer:

  1. Double-click the customer's name or select the customer's name and click the Edit button EditSelectedReservation.bmp.

  2. Change the information on the Edit Customer window.

  3. Click OK.


To merge customers:


1.  Go to the Customer List, and highlight the customer records that you wish to merge.  You can highlight multiple records using a number of methods:




2. Right-click on any of the selected customer records, and select Merge:




Or, click the Merge icon in the menu:




3. The Merge Customers window will appear.  Select the customer who is the primary record, e.g. the customer who has the most complete or up to date information.  If you are not sure which customer should be the primary, look at the number of invoices they have (more invoices typically means more reservations), or click the link to view and / or edit their customer details.  




4. Click OK when done.  The customer records will be merged into one.


See Also